What's New at URB


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Forms CD

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New Developments at URB.
URB Forms & Manuals are available on CD ROM

For a minimal charge, URB Services Corp. offers a CD ROM that contains over 500 URB forms. Our CD now also contains the two most current manuals for each line of business. This CD is available to affiliated companies. The forms and manuals are formatted in Microsoft Word. A free copy of Microsoft Word Viewer is available if your company does not have Microsoft Word.

To order your CD, contact URB.

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URB Services Alliance-

URB Services Alliance is a consumers cooperative; much the same as any buyers group. There is no obligation to any URB affiliated company to participate in this program but it is now available. 

            Office Supplies

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        Office Supplies                      

The URB Services Alliance has reached an agreement with Staples to obtain office supplies and materials at a steeply discounted price. All members of URB can take advantage of this offer. After supplying Staples with the required billing information, just place an order using the discount catalogues provided.
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CL-200 (11/23) NY Cyber Suite Coverage Endorsement
          CL-200S (11/23) NY Cyber Suite Supplemental Declarations
CL-201 (11/23) Supplemental Extended Reporting Period Endorsement
          CL-202 (11/23) NY Addendum to Application and Declarations
CL-203 (11/23) Policyholder Notice - One (1) Year Tail Option
CL-204 (11/23) Important Notice to Policyholder - Termination of NY Cyber Suite Coverage
EP-100 (6/23) Employment Practices Liability
          EP-100S (6/23) Supplemental Declarations - New York
EP-101 (6/23) Supplemental Extended Reporting Period
EP-102 (6/23) New York Addendum to Application and Declarations
EP-103 (6/23) Policyholder Notice - One (1) Year Tail Option
EP-104 (6/23) Availability of the Optional Extended Reporting Period
FL-22 (3/23) Residence Held In Trust
FL-342 (9/20) Underground Utility Line Endorsement
FL-342-DISC (9/20) Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          FL-373A (5/23) Canine Related Injuries or Damages Exclusion
          FL-376 (5/23) Animal Exclusion
LS-59 (8/22) Lead Exclusion
LS-130 (7/20) Employee Benefits Liability Coverage
          LS-139A (6/22) Communicable Disease Exclusion Clarification
LS-141A (6/22) Employer's Liability Exclusion
          LS-141A-DISC (6/22) Policyholder Disclosure Notice
LS-141B (6/22) Employer's Liability Exclusion
          LS-141B-DISC (6/22) Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          LS-New Form Series (4/20)
LS-139 (4/20) Communicable Disease Exclusion
ML-50 (2/20) Homeowners Association Loss Assessment Coverage
ML-93 (6/20) Home-Sharing Exclusion
ML-93-DISC (6/20) Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          ML-373A (1/23) Canine Related Injuries or Damages
ML-376 (1/23) Animal Exclusion
ML-610 (6/20) Home Cyber Protection Coverage
ML-611 (6/20) Home Cyber Protection Coverage
                    SF-New Form Series (4/20) - 18 various SF forms
          SF-7 (10/20) Causes of Loss Transition Endorsement
          SF-7-DISC (10/20) Policyholder Disclosure Notice
                    SF-34 (9/20) Blanket Limit
          SF-35 (9/20) Blanket Limit with Margin Clause
                    SF-47 (7/22) Building Ordinance or Law
                    SF-70 (9/20) Exterior Signs
          SF-76 (9/20) Valuable Papers and Records
                    SF-79A (8/21) Glass Coverage
                    SF-108 (4/21) Insureds Added to the Declarations
          SF-108A (4/21) Named Insureds Added to the Declarations
                    SF-139 (5/20) Virus or Bacteria Exclusion Clarification
                    SF-313A (9/20) Accounts Receivable
          SF-318A (9/20) Loss of Income from Dependent Property
                    SF-322A (9/20) Personal Articles
          SF-323A (9/20) Pollutant Cleanup and Removal
                    SF-327A (9/20) Transportation
          SF-BOP-DISC (6/20) Businessowners Coverage Policyholder Disclosure Notice
                    SF-BOP-DISC (10/20) Businessowners Coverage Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          SF-CF-DISC (10/20) Commercial Fire Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          SF-CRPAK-DISC (10/21) Crafts Pak Policyholder Disclosure Notice
          SF-END-DISC (10/20) Endorsements Policyholder Disclosure Notice
                    SF-SMP-DISC (10/20) Special Multi-Peril Policyholder Notice
                    URB-GR (12/22) Gender Recognition Amendatory Endorsement
Additional information is available on these and other forms by contacting Underwriters Rating Board.
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DWG-12 This bulletin provides rating for FL-72, Added Water Damages Coverage.
DWG-13 This bulletin provides rating for FL-72A, Added Water Damages Coverage.
DWG-14 This bulletin provides rating for FL-124, Roof Surface Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement (Windstorm or Hail).
DWG-15 This bulletin provides rating for FL-360, Ordinance or Law.
DWG-16 This bulletin provides rating for FL-55, Replacement Cost Provision (Coverage C-Personal Property) and FL-375, Siding and Roofing Matching
DWG-17 This bulletin provides rating for FL-22, Residence Held In Trust.



BOP-24 This bulletin provides rating for SF-72, Added Water Damages Coverage.
BOP-25 This bulletin provides rating for SF-72A, Added Water Damages Coverage.
BOP-26 This bulletin provides rating for SF-124, Roof Surface Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement (Windstorm or Hail).
BOP-27 This bulletin provides rating for LS-40, Sexual Misconduct Liability Coverage.
BOP-28 This is a complete new manual.
BOP-29 This bulletin provides rating for LS-130, Employee Benefits Liability Coverage.
BOP-30 This bulletin provides rating for SF-47, Building Ordinance or Law.


Class Rates

CR-25 This bulletin provides rating for SF-72, Added Water Damages Coverage.
CR-26 This bulletin provides rating for SF-72A, Added Water Damages Coverage.
CR-27 This bulletin provides rating for SF-124, Roof Surface Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement (Windstorm or Hail).
CR-28 This is a complete new manual.
CR-29 This bulletin provides rating for SF-47, Building Ordinance or Law.



CF-9 This bulletin provides rating for LS-373, Exclusion of Canine Related Injuries or Damages.
CF-10 This bulletin provides rating for LS-57, Lead Exclusion.
CF-11 This bulletin provides rating for LS-130, Employee Benefits Liability Coverage.



FO-19 This bulletin provides the rating for LS-550 and ML-550, both titled Agribusiness Pursuits.


General Liability

GL-39 This bulletin provides rating for LS-118, Silica Exclusion and LS-120 Exterior Insulation Exclusion.
GL-40 This bulletin provides rating for LS-373, Exclusion of Canine Related Injuries or Damages.
GL-41 This bulletin provides rating for LS-57, Lead Exclusion.
GL-42 This bulletin provides rating for LS-40, Sexual Misconduct Liability Coverage.
GL-43 This bulletin provides rating for LS-25A, Additional Insured (State or Political Subdivision).
GL-44 This bulletin provides rating for LS-130, Employee Benefits Liability Coverage.
GL-45 This is a complete new manual.



HO-51 This bulletin provides rating for ML-72A, Added Water Damages Coverage.
HO-52 This bulletin provides rating for ML-124, Roof Surface Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement (Windstorm or Hail)
HO-53 This bulletin provides rating for ML-46A, Personal Injury Coverage



LPP-31 This is a complete new manual.
LPP-32 This bulletin provides rating for FL-72A, Added Water Damages Coverage.
LPP-33This bulletin provides rating for FL-124, Roof Surface Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement (Windstorm or Hail).
 LPP-34 This bulletin provides rating for FL-360, Ordinance or Law.
LPP-35 This bulletin provides rating for FL-55, Replacement Cost Provision (Coverage C-Personal Property) and FL-375, Siding and Roofing Matching
LPP-36 This bulletin provides rating for FL-22, Residence Held In Trust.



UM-2 This bulletin provides the rule for UMB-65, Cross Liability Exclusion.


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